Tuesday, October 7, 2008



从星期一开始,我便因发烧而每天都得到诊疗所去验血。可是,今天倒霉透了,早上8时正,我到 Hospital Seri Manjung 去验血,弟弟也因发烧,所以也得去验血。下午,好奇的弟弟要跟随爸爸去拿报告,我在客厅睡着了,所以没有跟随爸爸到医院去拿报告。大约下午2时许,爸爸回来了。他把我从睡梦中叫醒了。我睁开惺忪的眼睛,问爸爸为什么把我叫醒。爸爸说:“快去冲凉吃饭,医生怀疑你有denggi, 所以要你入院。” 什么!!! 我立刻惊醒了。“快点去准备啦!”爸爸又接着说。没办发啦,去准备lo。我一边走去冲凉房,一边抱怨着:“为什么还要住院呢?真讨厌!!!” 洗澡完毕后,我便走到饭厅去吃午餐。过后,我便去收拾我的东西。准备好了后,我们便前往我心里想的 ”地狱” 了。到了医院后,我去探望先入院的弟弟,只见他的手扎了一条长长的针,滴着一包水,我也不知道那是什么水。他的手起了红红的斑点,好恐怖啊!之后,我也去登记,准备入院了。登记完毕后,我被叫进紧急房里(其实里面也不算是紧急之处) 。有一位护士拿了一把针,然后插入我的手背里,虽然我感到很痛,在加上我的家人都不在我的身旁,我真想哭,但是我还是把我的眼泪收了起来。那位护士从那儿抽了血后,她又用一个盖子把针的未端掩住,过后就把我的家人叫了进来,把我送入病房了。到了病房那儿,有几位医生来到我的病床前,其中一位医生拿了一个超级大的针筒,插入我的右手背里。过后,又有一位护士来到我的旁边,又再在我的左手背上插了一针,痛死了啦!现在我的左手背上有2针,右手背上有1针,可是我却没有哭le!!! 护士每隔4个小时就来抽一次血,真是烦人!( 因为我在半夜里睡到一半,就有护士来叫我醒,因为要抽血了)。今天晚上由我的大姐来陪我睡,因为我很怕一个人睡。每当我要去厕所时,还要拿着点滴的东西,真麻烦,而且,每次去厕所时,还会流血呢!可是血不是流出来,是流进我的点滴的管内。就这样我在一整天都在病痛所折磨的情况下过了一天。


早上在7 时许醒来,过后爸爸来了,他要带大姐回去了,我这个胆小鬼哭了起来。爸爸说大姐要回去冲凉了啦,一整天在医院陪我了还不够吗。我只好让大姐回去lo。大姐回去后,大医生来了,有一位医生说要送我去怡保,因为那里太多骨痛热症的病人了。我摇着我的头,眼泪又要掉下来了,幸亏这时候妈妈来了,妈妈说我的弟弟还在wad 5 那儿,送我去怡保很不方便。那位医生听后,说如果我明天有发烧的话,他就会送我去怡保,我那时真恨那位医生。下午,我弟弟学校的牧师来为我祈祷,祈求上帝保佑我。( 因为我弟弟的学校是英校,也是教堂) 之后,我的同校却不同班的朋友的父母也来探望我,因为他们也是基督教徒,他们也认识我的爸爸。他们带了椰水和葡萄给我,然后也帮我祈祷,我非常感谢他们所做的一切。晚上7时许,我的大姐又来陪我了,我真的很谢谢她。今天我脱掉1个针了,感觉有点痛,可是我没哭。哈哈!!!






我今天没有去上学,因为医院给我3天的假期,以前的我,恨不得可以天天生病,然后就不用去上学。现在已经1个多礼拜没去上学,却感到有点伤心,我很想念我的朋友,我的岗位(班长和图书馆管理员)。 我真想早日回到学校和我的朋友“相遇”。

完毕 The End

Sunday, July 6, 2008


下课前的最后1节,我和我的好朋友一起去点名,我们拿着钢笔去办公室。 点完名后, 我们便步行回到课室里。一踏入课室, 只见级任老师拿着藤鞭,前面站着3名男同学。老师似乎是在审问他们。过后,我听见老师在问天花板上的珍珠是谁丢的, 那些珍珠是从珍珠奶茶里所得到的。经过老师审问后, 老师获知那是男同学丢的, 老师气得打了那位男同学5鞭。 那位男同学也很不服, 他告诉老师其他男同学也有丢,为何只鞭他一个人。老师叫他说出谁也有丢。 他便一一说出来。被说到名字的同学也被鞭了5鞭。老师自己的儿子也被她鞭了1鞭。老师竟然鞭他们鞭到哭了, 可是她也不愿意让我们看到她哭,假装转到前面的布告栏看东西,其实她在布告栏那儿拭泪。她虽然不愿意被我们看见她哭,可是我们还是看见了。过后,她又问谁有在课室里吃午餐的人,自己自动举手。 一位男同学有在班上吃午餐,可是他没有举手。他旁边的2位女同学,1个是我的好朋友,另1个也是我的朋友,都叫他举手,因为老师说如果没有人承认,她就鞭全班的同学。起初他不肯举,可是经过我2个朋友的逼迫下,他举起了手。他有2个外号,叫"apek" 和"老人", 这些外号是从他的名字所取的,因为他的英文名叫 Lawrence, 这个名字的音有点像老人,老人就等于"apek",他的名字就是这样来的。他出去后,他的朋友---Wiliam Teong 也出去承认。他也有1个外号,叫wi leng tong.他们2个都是巡察员le, 竟然也在班上吃,我们的校规是规定我们不可以在班上吃食物,他们身为巡察员的, 也在班上吃食物,没有以身作则。级任老师打了就算,现在又到校长进来。校长也是像级任老师那样,问谁有在课室里吃食物,谁把珍珠丢上天花板,是谁买珍珠奶茶的。问清楚后,校长1人鞭2鞭,连我的好朋友也被鞭了,她喝过1次,也就是上个星期三。结果,她今天就被鞭了,倒霉极了! 我们全班35位学生,只有10位没有被打,8位女生和2位男生,我们班的巡察员8位里,只有1位没被打。等校长鞭完后,都已经25分了,我们只剩下5分钟的时间去吃食物。嗨,算了,去买1包薯条算了。我买好后,就敲钟了。我带着沉重的心情会课室继续上课了。。。。。。

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Continue The "2 New Puppies"

The cute puppies:

I let them bite my finger. Ticklish a while and pain a while.......

Play again.........haiz........This is the last picture

Here's the end of the new puppies.

2 New Puppies

My grandfather gave 2 more puppies to my aunt. They are so cute, 1 is koko colour and another 1 is black colour. but it is so weird because the puppy's mother and father are koko colour. Only that puppy is black, others are koko colour. My grandfather sold a puppy to an Indian at the price of RM1000. It is so expensive but the Indian bought it. The 2 puppies are the 6 dogs' brothers. I'll like to share the pictures with you!!!

The puppies:

Haha........The puppies are playing.........

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The another 6 dogs.............

You have seen the 3 blackest dogs. Now I'll let you see the another 6 dogs.

Here they are:

Its name is boxer. It looks a little bit stupid, isn't it?

This dog call bebe. Is it like boxer's face? But it is so fierce........

This is mimi, the most beautiful dog among them.

This is coco. It felt jealous with mimi so it bite mimi many times before. Now it has become good.

This is browny. Its leg "tempang" already because got 1 time it sleeps under my aunt's car, my aunt wants to go out and she don't know it is under her car. So, its kaki being knock by the car.

This is baby. Its name is so weird and its very skinny, isn't it?

Monday, June 9, 2008

The DOGS......

My aunt rears 9 dogs at her house. Do you want to see their pictures? I'll give you see their pictures!!! But 3 blackest dog first.............

This is the blackest dog and it is also quite fierce. This is the picture when it was small. See here:

Its name is Cindy. Now it has become like this:This is another 2 dogs pictures, this pictures is taken when they are small: The dog on the left is call bell and the right side dog is call cursy. Are the names weird? The names are my cousin give one. Now they become like this:

This is bell.

This is cursy.

My Hens............

My youngest sister gave one of the hens a name--- Fei Fei(in chinese is mean fatty) Wanna see its picture?

Is it cute? Maybe it seems small to you but it is the type of Kampung Chicken. So its size is smaller than the chicken that are sold in the market.

Another hen:

This is my youngest sister one. She named it xiao bai (that means whitey). It s the most beautiful hen among the others.

The last one:

Sunday, June 8, 2008

My Chicks Have Become Chickens!!!

My 6 little chicks have become big chickens! I am very happy because they grow healthily and.......happily, I think so....... But I am sad too, because my mother keep on calling me to slaughter the cocks. There are 4 cocks and 3 hens in the cage, so my mother wants me to slaughter 3 of the cocks. I don't want to slaughter them but she keep on "paksa" me to slaughter them. I rear them from 10th January until now. I know they are big now but I don't want too slaughter them lar.......... Anybody can tell me the way to stop my mother from wanting to slaughter them??? T.T

These are the pictures of the cocks:

This cock is mine. It bite me before 1 time and it so painful. T_T

This cock is my eldest sister's one. It can bite people. I've been biten for many times already. Ouch! It is so painful lo!!! T_T

This cock is my daddy's one.

This cock is my aunt's dog bite one. It's quite fierce but it fears human.

Friday, April 18, 2008

My Chicks

On 10th April, my chickens were already 3 months. These are the pictures when I just bought them at the Thursday Market and brought them home:

Unfortunately, 1 of them died on 16th January, I bought them on 10th January. This is the picture:

The chick that died is my youngest sister's chicks, so she begged my mother to buy another chick for her. My mother agreed but my brother heard it and asked my mother to buy one more for him too, my mother said ok. On 17th January, my mother bought 3 more chicks. These are the pictures of the 3 new chicks sitting in the cage with the 3 older chicks:

These are the new chicks: